COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

As of Spring 2023, 十大网络彩票平台大全建议所有社区成员接受COVID-19疫苗接种和适当的加强注射, but we do not mandate it.  We foster a safe and healthy educational environment for all learners.  We support the wearing of masks based on individual preference. 我们鼓励您与当地卫生官员和主治医生联系,以获得个人指导.    

What To Do If You Are Positive or Have Been Exposed

如果你 检测呈阳性 for COVID-19 (Isolate)

Everyone, regardless of vaccination status:

  • Stay home for 5 days.
  • 如果你没有症状或症状在5天后消退,你可以离开你的房子. (24小时内无发热或头痛/身体疼痛症状).
  • Wear a mask at all times (N95, or double mask) while indoors at the University.

如果你是 Exposed to Someone with COVID-19 (Quarantine)

  • Wear a mask around others for 10 days. (Cloth masks need to be coupled with a surgical mask for additional safety)
  • Monitor for any symptoms (cough, fever, headache, body aches or fatigue)
  •  Test on day 5 (First day of symptoms is day 0).

如果你 Came into Close Contact 如果您与患有COVID-19的人在一起,并且您属于以下组之一,则不需要隔离.

  • You are ages 18 or older and have received all recommended vaccine doses, including boosters and additional primary shots for some immunocompromised people.
  • You are ages 5-17 years and completed the primary series of COVID-19 vaccines.
  • 您在过去90天内确诊了COVID-19(您使用病毒测试呈阳性).

如果你 do develop COVID-19 symptoms, 从症状开始之日起隔离至少5天(症状开始之日为第0天). 

  • 如果你24小时不发烧,没有使用退烧药物,你可以在5天后结束隔离,并且你的其他症状有所改善(恢复后味觉和嗅觉丧失可能持续数周或数月,不需要延迟结束隔离)。.

For more information regarding quarantine and isolation, visit www.疾病预防控制中心.gov / covid.

Important Note for Student-Athletes and Nursing Students

Vaccination Requirements and an Update on Boosters

As of Spring 2023, 十大网络彩票平台大全建议所有社区成员接受COVID-19疫苗接种和适当的加强注射, but we do not mandate it. 

Boosters are recommended per CDC guidelines as follows:

  • 建议在最后一次接种现代流感疫苗五个月后接种加强剂, and five months since your last vaccination for Pfizer. 强生公司的疫苗接种者应该在初次接种疫苗两个月后再接种强化疫苗. 

Information about the COVID-19 booster can be found below:

Vaccinations for Third-Party Sites

Please note that students entering third-party sites for practical, 临床, or internship work must follow guidelines implemented by those entities. University exemptions do not apply to sites outside of the University's purview.

Verification of Vaccination

十大网络彩票平台大全要求学生提供COVID-19疫苗接种证明和, 截至7月20日, 2022, verification of the COVID-19 Booster. 这种核实必须确认一个人已经完全接种了疫苗,并至少接种了一种COVID-19增强剂. Student verification will be completed via Canvas. 

How to Submit Your Verification of COVID-19 Vaccination and Booster

Student verification are completed via Canvas in the 健康 Services Course. Login to your Canvas account using your HFU sign-on credentials, 并查看有关如何提交Canvas课程中提供的验证信息的详细信息. 学生将被要求提供你的疫苗接种卡的副本,必须包括一个加强剂. 

请电子邮件 或打电话 267-341-3262 with questions regarding available options for verification of vaccination.


由于目前费城地区COVID-19检测试剂盒和上门检测服务短缺, 十大网络彩票平台大全健康服务中心将暂时为员工提供COVID-19检测服务. 出现COVID-19症状和/或接触过该病毒的全职和兼职员工都可以进行检测. 请注意,如果你目前正在通过卫生服务参加定期测试,因为你有批准的疫苗接种豁免, 这一要求没有改变,您必须继续按照卫生服务部门的指示进行.

Multiple testing types are available, 并要求申请和预约,以确保适当的访问. Walk-in testing for employees is not available at this time. 请注意,测试只针对员工,而不是普通公众或员工的家庭成员.

  • PCR检测可以在您当地的Quest Diagnostics地点完成,并在大约48小时内产生结果. Employees may request testing via a requisition form, which will be processed within 24 hours of receipt. 有关如何在Quest Diagnostics完成测试的详细信息将在您收到申请表已被处理的确认后提供. Those requiring this test should complete the COVID-19 测试 Requisition Request Form.
  •  Rapid PCR 测试 may be completed by appointment only 位于费城主校区史蒂文森巷公寓113套房的健康诊所. Results are produced in 30-60 minutes. When making your appointment, please select 'Other' as Type of Visit and, in 'Reason for Visit,' please add the text 'Employee COVID testing.'

测试 services are available to all full-time and part-time employees. 这些服务不对公众或直系亲属开放. Walk-in service for COVID-19 testing for employees is not currently available. 健康服务感谢您在以下适当的测试程序的勤奋,以确保健康诊所能够支持整个校园社区高效和有效.


Indoor masking is optional for all faculty, staff, students, and visitors. 大学要求所有个人在任何时候都继续佩戴口罩, should the need arise, 我们强烈建议那些没有接种疫苗或有某些医疗条件的人继续戴口罩. 重要的是要记住,有些人可能会觉得和不戴面具的人在一起不舒服. 另外, 许多接种疫苗的人可能会选择戴口罩,以确保自身或亲人的安全. Please be respectful of everyone’s choices.

屏蔽 is not required, except in the following cases:

  • In health care 临床 settings, 在咨询中心和卫生服务诊所(要求戴口罩);
  • When you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19;
  • When you are instructed to wear a mask by a healthcare provider; administrator or professor
  • 如果你感到上呼吸道症状不舒服或你是covid - 19阳性,并隔离.

在一对一会议等情况下,任何一方都可以要求佩戴口罩. 如果双方都不能接受,则应安排另一种安排.

We know this has been a challenging time for all, 我们对你们在疫情期间相互关心和照顾深表感谢. 你们的努力确实改变了我们安全相处的能力. 感谢你们所做的一切,并将继续为我们维护社区安全所做的努力.